About Us

LUIDA is a free recruiting service build for IT job scouting. All features are free to use for all who creates a profile.
The companies that viewed the users’ profile may express interest and send out messages (Send Scout). Users can also conduct an interview with their interested company via chat function.
Users can undertake their own search for companies as well to find a company that better fits their own requirement based on the information in the profile.
Furthermore, users might run into companies that aren’t readily apparent on usual recruiting sites. Usually, on others recruiting agency website, the engineer will be required to submit their application to interested companies. However, in LUIDA, the user will receive scouting from various companies which will allow the user to encounter companies that they not known.
How do I sign up on LUIDA?
Signing up for LUIDA is easy. You have the option to use your current email or social media account, or you can create a brand new account with LUIDA. During registration, you'll only need to provide your email address and choose a password. Once registered, you can complete your profile and begin your job search.
How can I search for jobs on LUIDA?
You cannot search for jobs on Luida; instead, companies will scout you. You can view a list of companies that have scouted you for a specific job position under 'Scout'. Swiping left indicates a rejection, which moves the company to the history section, while swiping right accepts the offer and directs you to the chat.
Is my personal information secure on LUIDA?
Absolutely, your personal information is secure on LUIDA. We use encryption and access controls to protect your data, and we comply with data protection laws.
How can I contact customer support?
If you come across any problems requiring assistance, you can reach out to our support team at contact@luida-singapore.com or through our dedicated reporting channel.
Why can't I log in?
Please verify that your email address and password are correct, and ensure that your account is active and free from any suspensions or restrictions. If you encounter any issues with your account status, please contact our support team for assistance.
Why can't I successfully save or update my personal profile?
Please ensure all required fields are completed before saving changes or updating your profile.
What type of platform is LUIDA? Does it primarily function as a job recruitment platform?
Luida focuses on providing job recruitment services for IT (Information Technology) talent. We are committed to assisting organizations or companies in finding IT professionals to meet their specific needs, as well as providing a platform to help IT professionals find perfect job opportunities.