Easy Way to Proceed with Recruitment

Getting Started


Complete Company Registration

Company Registration is a profile registration step necessary to post recruitment on LUIDA. Complete the registration by filling in the required field. Employer can well-represent their company by filling in detailled information and be able to contact or receive contact from more candidates.

Getting Started


Complete Recruitment Registration

It is possible to register for only one type of recruitment, but it is also possible to setup several different recruitments according to the position, salary etc.

Getting Started


Search for Candidates

Through 'Search Candidates', employer can view the information of the applicant registered with LUIDA. Applicants who match your company's registered 'Like It' or send message to candidates that match their requirements.

Getting Started


Held Interview

Employer can communicate with entry candidates through chat function and held interview. Decide on the time and style of interview (online or face-to-face etc).

Getting Started


Managing The Candidates

Employer can check on the status of candidates in Entry Management page. The status can be changed according the progression of recruitment process. When the job offer is made and the status is changed to 'confirmation', the matching is considered complete in LUIDA.

Getting Started


Receive Confirmation on the Job Offer from The Candidates

Once the applicant confirmed on the job offer, the recruitment is considered completed.

Please refer to the manual below for further information.